College degrees are large investments of time and money that will pay off in the end, though the initial costs can be daunting to many applicants. Many applicants of online public health degrees are people who have time constraints from jobs or family, and are looking to increase their salary by acquiring additional credentials while continuing to hold down their day job. Finances can become especially stressed while you are seeking degrees, and often deter people from furthering their education. Fortunately, many schools accept scholarships that can help students ameliorate the fiscal expenses of their degree. This is especially true in the field of public health, as the private and public institutions that offer scholarship money are aware that graduates who will be tackling public health issues are a great benefit to society at large.
Scholarship awards vary greatly from covering textbook expenses to giving students a free ride to their degree. Many institutions award applicants financial aid packages as part of their strategy to draw successful and motivated students to their programs. As on-campus degrees bring students into their community, and require students to pay for room and board, there are hefty scholarships awarded to on-campus students, though there are plenty of scholarships available for online students at well regarded universities like John Hopkins. Students should check with the online programs that they are applying to, to see if they offer scholarships. Additionally, there are many private companies that offer scholarships based on competitions that involve essays, multimedia, or presentations which can be applied to any degree that the company deems worthy. For reference to some of the best private scholarships that are available for online MPH degree seekers check out our list of the Top 36 Best Scholarships for MPH Degrees. Let’s have a look at a couple of the more lucrative opportunities for scholarships for public health degrees online.
The Achieve Today Scholarship Fund offers a $2,000 scholarship that requires applicants to submit a three to five-minute video or audio file, or submit an 800-word essay. Students will explain how one of the following four topics has affected their personal growth in a positive way: The Law of Attraction; Having an Attitude of Gratitude; The Power of Positive Thinking; and Focusing on Things You Can Control. Applications are expected to be inspirational or motivational anecdotes that demonstrate the applicants ambition to pursue their academic endeavors. Students must be at least 18 years of age to apply, and the scholarship is available for any online public health degrees.
Typology Central offers a $2,000 scholarship for students who are interested in the study of personality type theories, like the Myers and Briggs Type Indicator which is based on the archetype philosophies of psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Applications are free and will be submitted with an essay of at least 1000 words which addresses some aspect of how your understanding of personality types have proven beneficial by allowing you to foster healthy interpersonal relationships, offer help to friends or family who may struggle in certain areas, or help your own personal growth. This scholarship is applicable to any online public health degree.