If you want to find a doctoral public health program, but can’t commit the time and money a full-time, on-campus program would require, there are other options. Education is being conveyed to reflect the changing economy, technological advances and the difficulties of modern life. Today there are a number of elite public health programs that are offered mostly online for aspiring doctoral students. At Online Masters in Public Health, we do our best to catalog options in this exciting and growing field, ranking them by flexibility, affordability, national rankings and more. In our Top Online DRPH Degrees ranking, we take a look at some of the best online public health options for prospective doctoral students. Here you’ll find five strong DRPH options, and be able to further tailor your public health degree options towards your career preferences with concentrations in Epidemiology, Community Health Education, Health Education, Nutrition, Preventative Care, Health Policy, Leadership and more.
Being a doctoral student is hard. There are no two ways about it. But where the traditional doctoral program in public health takes four to six years to finish, there are options that let you earn the degree online in just three years. Online degrees are often accelerated, and can be taken (a)synchronously, giving you more options in how and when you receive your education, and then how you’re able to organize and spend the rest of your time. Part-time can mean many different things, but one thing it certainly won’t mean is having to relocate, give up your current job, and renege on other responsibilities to focus on earning your DRPH full time.
If you want to build a system where you can thrive while earning your doctoral public health degree online, make sure to check out our DRPH ranking. Schools that convey degrees online are often especially prepared to work with you from the application process onward to make sure you’re taken care of, and that you’re entering a program that you and the school have set you up to be successful in. In advanced programs like these, it’s common for one-on-one advising to commence from the start, and be a part of the program until you complete it.
There aren’t too many online, part-time, public health programs for doctoral students. But the ones that exist are that much easier to examine and compare because of the limited amount of them. At Online Masters in Public Health, you’ll find a cornucopia of degree options that can be earned online, on campus, and taken full or part-time. You’ll find rankings of specific public health concentrations, as well as public health schools in different parts of the country, or that are tailored towards specific types of students. Make sure to inspect any program closely from a number of sources, but OMPH can help you whittle down your choices right off the bat, saving you time in earning your doctoral degree immediately! Best of luck in your part-time public health degree search.