Public Health is a sprawling, multi-faceted field that can drastically impact the quality and duration of life for people around the globe. Within the public health field, there are many different types of degrees and specializations, all leading to different positions and professional levels for graduates.
One of the most fascinating subsets of public health is Master’s of Public Health in Biostatistics. In these programs, you’ll learn how biostatisticians find and solve major problems, and build the skills that will let you join them. We’ve collected the Top 15 Best Online MPH Degrees in Biostatistics, ranking them on affordability, graduation rates, national prestige and standings, flexibility, retention rates, and more. But that’s just one aspect of public health, and the types of degrees and specializations you can find within the field. Visit the full list of our rankings in public health for more info.
Maybe you haven’t earned your Bachelor’s yet. There’s no shame in that. Going back to school is hard, but it can be a lot easier when you take classes online that are delivered in a format that works with your current schedule and commitments. While an MPH is the gold standard for careers in public health, you can get a leg up on that degree by taking a Bachelor’s program that specializes in public health. This type of degree will lay the foundations upon which you’ll build advanced public health knowledge and training in subsequent degree programs.
We’ve ranked the Top 20 Online Bachelors in Public Health Degree Programs here. These are the types of degrees that can start an education specialization track in pharmacy, biostatistics, epidemiology, and much more. These degree types generally come in Bachelor of Science options (which focus on a clinical approach more conducive to biostatistics or epidemiology work), or Bachelor of Arts programs (for students who want a career path with more social and socioeconomic utility). However, choosing one of those programs won’t necessarily confine you to a specific track within public health, as the types of degrees we’ve ranked are significantly versatile and cross-disciplinary. Some of the undergrad programs we’ve ranked are in community health, health sciences, nutrition, healthcare administration and more, letting you choose a type of degree that reflects your career goals even at the undergraduate level.
Speaking of nutrition, that’s another vital and growing subset of public health. We’ve ranked Top Online Masters In Public Health (MPH) Degrees In Nutrition to help you find a great graduate program if you’ve already earned a Bachelor’s degree, but want an education that can offer a rewarding career, while improving you and your families’ health, and the health of people you work with and for.
For people who have an mph, or equivalent in a related field, the type of degree that can elevate your career in public health is a DrPH. They typically take 4 to 6 years to complete, but earning them online can make that less taxing than an in-person program. We’ve ranked the Top 5 Online Doctorates in Public Health to give you a look at premier programs from schools like Johns Hopkins, the University of North Carolina, and more.