Yes, there are a variety of scholarships available for students who choose online MPH programs. Online MPH programs are typically meant to accommodate working professionals in the field of public health who are looking to return to academia to increase their credentials while maintaining their day job. Graduate degrees are hefty investments of time and money, so the prudent applicant will figure out how to save money on their degree. The best strategy for cutting the cost of your degree is by applying for scholarships. Most scholarships do not differentiate between online and on-campus students, so applicants to online MPH programs should look into all of their available scholarship options. Most schools have the same tuition rates for students who are studying on campus and students who are studying online, with the only difference being the room and board fees for on campus students. The first step for students should be to contact the financial aid offices of the institutions that they are applying to. There are also many scholarship opportunities that are offered by private foundations and companies that are not academic themselves, but want to support education. Additionally, many scholarships are awarded for students who are seeking MPH degrees, as their careers will benefit the overall health of communities and populations. To check out some great scholarship opportunities for students who choose online MPH programs, check out our list of theTop 36 Best Scholarships for MPH Degrees.
There are not many scholarships that are specifically for students who choose online MPH programs, but most scholarships can be used for those degrees. However, John Hopkins University is one of the rare institutions that does have scholarships that are meant for online students who are pursuing their online MPH degree. They offer a Bloomberg Fellows scholarship for students who are currently working in the United States in a position that is combatting the public health issues of addiction, violence, adolescent health, environmental challenges, and obesity. Recipients are required to serve a year with the collaborating organization after graduation. It is a full tuition scholarship, comes with a stipend, and is meant for working professionals, who generally prefer the schedule flexibility of an online program. John Hopkins also awards a Welch Scholarship, which is named after their founding dean William Henry Welch, and is allocated towards tuition costs. They also offer an Endowed Funding scholarship which is specifically for online MPH students, and awards them between $5,000-$15,000 for the first year of their online MPH program. These scholarship opportunities makes John Hopkins one of the best options for online MPH degree seekers who are looking to obtain a scholarship.
Students should also be aware that regardless of what institution they are attending, there are many scholarships that are awarded for public health degrees. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation has a variety of scholarships that range between $500 and $10,000 for students who are seeking degrees that will raise awareness of nutritional health. There are many other scholarship offerings for students who are pursuing online MPH degrees, so they should be sure to do their due diligence and apply to any that they are eligible for.