Yes, there are a few options to choose from when it comes to finding an online public health degree in the state of Texas. Online degrees are usually designed to help working professionals obtain graduate degrees that will qualify them for promotion, though there are online undergraduate degrees as well. There are advantages to taking classes from a school in-state as opposed to out-of-state even if you are taking online courses. Tuition is often lower for in-state residents, and they have the option of accessing campus more easily if there are on-site requirements or resources that students would like to take advantage of. Texas A&M University, The University of North Texas, and Texas State University all offer online public health degrees. For reference to the top public health degree programs in Texas, have a look at the list of The Best Public Health Degrees in Texas.
Texas A&M’s School of Public Health offers an online MPH degree in Epidemiology. Students are never required to visit the main campus which is located at College Station, though there are extra resources that their large campus has to offer. Also, not every course is offered online every semester, so if students need to adhere to a specific timeline they may be required to take a class or two on campus. Their Epidemiology degree is designed to accommodate working professionals who have solid backgrounds in mathematics to learn the concepts of disease control through data collection and analysis. The program takes an interdisciplinary approach by encouraging their students to interact with other departments in the field of Public Health. Their Epidemiology department focuses specifically on rural populations who cultivate agriculture and have limited interaction relative to major urban centers. Most students will graduate within two years, however they make accommodations for working professionals and parents if they need to lessen the course load by becoming part-time students.
The University of North Texas offers a completely online MPH degree that never requires students to visit campus. Students will choose from one of two elective tracks, Global Health or Geographic Information Systems. The degree requires the completion of 33 credits from core courses, 12 credits of track specific courses, and three credits of practicum experience. One of the advantages of living in-state as an online MPH degree seeker at UNT, is that the university is well regarded within the Fort Worth community. UNT prides themselves on finding their students exciting and engaging practicum opportunities where they can put the theories they have learned in the classroom to use in real world situations.
Texas State University’s College of Health Professions offers five hybrid degrees where the majority of the work is completed via an online format, though they are required to take certain classes that have hands-on instruction on campus. The five public health graduate degrees that TSU offers online are their Long Term Care Administration Graduate Certificate, Masters in Health Information Management, Masters of Respiratory Care, and Masters in Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner or Leadership and Administration in Nursing. It is advantageous to live in the state of Texas if you want to pursue an online public health degree from TSU, because you will be expected to spend some time on campus.